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推进器是所有飞船或者是没有空间锚的空间站移动的主要方式。推进器可以提供飞船一个线性的推力而不会因为所处飞船位置的不同而产生力矩、扭转和旋转(陀螺仪)。只要推进器被连接至了一个整体(而不是异整体或者通过起落架而连接整体),他们都会从整体的质量中心提供推力,因此推进器的摆放位置还是稍有讲究的。游戏中有两种常尺度推进器: 标准推进器,一种使用电力 的离子推进器;氢推,一种使用氢气作为燃料,更为强劲但使用局限也较大的推进器。 在Update 01.105前,推进器有两个模式:常尺度推进和惯性抑制。常尺度推进用于鼠标和键盘操作的人工航行和控制速度(thrust override slider),惯性抑制则会自动额外消耗50%的电力以提供10倍的惯性抑制力。推进器在惯性抑制打开并且飞船仍在凭借惯性前行的情况下会发挥作用并逐渐使船停下。因此在此次更新前,让船停下会比让船加速更为容易。

Before Update 01.107, all Small Ship thrusters would receive a 5x boost to thrust when under the automatic control of inertial dampeners (not the player or 'thrust override') attempting to stop the ship, for no increase in both power usage or fuel usage.

Currently all kinds of thrusters (whether small or large ship) do not have any special super-dampening capabilities beyond their rated maximum thrust and power consumption.


推进装置 方块尺寸 体积
千克/秒(Kg of U/s)
Large Thruster Icon.png Large Thruster
Large Ship Icon.png 大型块 3x4x2 375.000 3600 43200 33600 0.0833 9.6 0.1071 0.0093 kg
Small Ship Icon.png 小型块 3x4x2 3.000 144 721 2400 0.1997 48 0.060 0.00067 kg
Small Thruster Icon.png Small Thruster
Large Ship Icon.png 大型块 1x2x1 31.250 288 4384 3360 0.0657 9.216 0.0857 0.00093 kg
Small Ship Icon.png 小型块 1x2x1 0.250 12 93 201 0.1290 48 0.0597 0.000056 kg
Large Hydrogen Thruster Icon.png Large Hydrogen Thruster
Large Ship Icon.png 大型块 3x3x3 421.875 6000 6940 4820 0.8646 14.222 0.9336 6,426.7 H
Small Ship Icon.png 小型块 3x3x3 3.375 400 1222 368 0.3273 118.5185 0.778 514.1 H
Small Hydrogen Thruster Icon.png Small Hydrogen Thruster
Large Ship Icon.png 大型块 1x1x1 15.625 900 1420 803 0.6338 57.6 0.8238 1,092.5 H
Small Ship Icon.png 小型块 1x1x1 0.125 82 334 80 0.2455 656 0.7505 109.2 H
Large Atmospheric Thruster Icon.png Large Atmospheric Thruster
Large Ship Icon.png 大型块 3x3x5 703.125 5400 33834 16360 0.1596 7.68 0.3301 0.00454 kg
Small Ship Icon.png 小型块 3x3x5 5.625 408 4244 2400 0.0961 72.53 0.1700 0.00067 kg
Small Atmospheric Thruster Icon.png Small Atmospheric Thruster
Large Ship Icon.png 大型块 1x1x3 46.875 420 4072 2360 0.1031 8.96 0.1780 0.000656 kg
Small Ship Icon.png 小型块 1x1x3 0.375 80 539 701 0.1484 213.33 0.1141 0.000195 kg


Large Thruster LThrust01.jpg
  • 离子推进器使用电力作为能源产生推力。
  • 离子推进器的功率消耗与其运行效率的百分比成线性关系,有效性与大气密度成反比,在行星大气外的任何地方的实际效率至少在30%到100%之间,大气密度越高效率越低。
  • 即使启动了推进器而不使用,每个推进器仍至少要消耗0.002千瓦(2瓦)电力


Large Atmos Thruster
  • 空气推进器使用电力作为能源产生推力
  • 空气推进器的功率消耗与其运行效率的百分比成线性关系,有效性与大气密度成正相关,并且只能于大气中运作。通常情况下几乎不会达到其最大额定效率,只能在90%左右。
  • 即使启动了推进器而不使用,每个推进器仍至少要消耗0.002千瓦(2瓦)电力


Large Hydrogen Thruster
  • 氢气推进器不消耗电力,仅使用来运作。但是相关的氢气制造、存储、输送设备仍然要消耗电力。
  • 氢气推进器的运行效率完全不受大气影响。
  • 所有的氢气动力推进器都需要使用输送机输送管连接至氢气来源输送氢气(例如氢气/氧气制造机氢气罐)。
  • 即使启动了推进器而不使用,每个推进器仍至少要消耗少量氢。


To get an idea how many thrusters are needed to make a ship hover in the air while under the influence of natural gravity,
the following calculation should help:

 Lift [kg] = engine force [N] * effectivity [unitless] / acceleration due to gravity [m/s²]

Example: 1 large small ship thruster has a force magnitude of 408,000 N at sea level. (Here an effectiveness of 90% is assumed.)
So on an earth-like planet on sea level it can lift:

 L = (408,000 N * 0.9) / 9.81 m/s² = 37,431 [kg]

Where 9.81 m/s² = 1.0 g on Earth.
Or to just check if it will fly with 4 thrusters and a mass of 120,000 kg:

 F = (4 * 408,000 N * 0.9)
 m = 120,000 kg
 a[min] = 9.81 m/s²
 a[curr] = (4 * 408,000 * 0.9) / 120,000 kg = 12.24 m/s² > 9.81 m/s² ===> will fly!

So if the ships downward thrusters total lift is greater than the ships mass,
the ship will be able to hover and fly.

This value decreases linearly with the decreasing air density in greater heights. The air density is different for each planet type. As is the natural gravity constant.

Online calculator

Online calculator to calculate the thrust at planets and moons.

One should also keep in mind, that depending on the ships orientation during maneuvering, not all downward thrusters will actually contribute 100% to the ships lift.
If the thrusters are angled away from the the planets center of gravity, their effective lift value will decrease accordingly. A thruster angled at 45 degree will only contribute 70.71067812% (cos45x100%) of its total force for lift. If not taken into account, this can make a ship plummet to the ground when not maneuvering it carefully
due to insufficient lateral thruster force when rolling the aircraft too much for example. So this should be calculated or tested before actually finishing a ship design to prevent a bad surprise.

The "x5" / "x10" inventory setting will also have an effect on the calculation.
The game will divide the cargo mass by the set inventory multiplier when calculating thruster lift.
So a cargo mass of 100,000 kg will only count as 10,000 kg if "x10" inventory multiplier is set.
This means, a ship with atmospheric thrusters can potentially lift 10 times more cargo mass with the same thrust than it normally could, if a "x10" inventory multiplier is set.
However, the right HUD panel when inside of a ship doesn't correct the cargo mass to reflect the mass taken into account for lift.
So that means, when having a ship with net mass of 100,000 kg and transporting 100,000 kg of cargo with a 10x inventory multiplier,
the panel will show 200,000 kg of mass while in reality it will take only 110,000 kg (ship mass + cargo/10) of mass into account for calculation of lift ability.


If 'Thruster Damage' is enabled for a map or server, thrusters will deal damage while active to any blocks directly behind within a certain distance with exception to small thrusters damaging large ship blocks, making it possible to build 'landing pads'. If this occurs, blocks adjacent to the block/s in "the line of fire" will also be damaged in a cross-pattern. If the block is too close to the thruster, this can even damage the thruster, causing it to explode. The "danger zone" varies in size based on the thrust being applied by the thruster. Large thrusters deal damage further than small thrusters. Likewise, thrusters on large ships deal damage further than those on small ships.

This table (and the images below it) indicate the damage distances for small and large thrusters and ships. They apply only to blocks directly behind the thruster, and do not account for damage to adjacent blocks.

All thrusters from standard thrusters, hydrogen and Atmospheric deal thruster damage to varying degrees if enabled, generally the more powerful the thruster the larger the danger zone becomes.

Damage Distance
Blocks Metres
Small Ship Small Thruster 3 sb 1.5m
Large Thruster 5 sb 2.5m
Large Ship Small Thruster 2 lb 5.0m
Large Thruster 5 lb 12.5m
  • sb = small-ship blocks (0.5m each)
  • lb = large-ship blocks (2.5m each)
