Oxygen Tank
This block was introduced in V1.076.
The Oxygen Tank is a functional Block available for Small Ships, Large Ships and Stations.
It is used to store and distribute breathable Oxygen.
If connected to a Conveyor Network via one of the inventory access points, the Oxygen Tank can automatically pull in Oxygen
from attached Oxygen Tanks to store, or provide oxygen to Air Vent blocks or other oxygen tanks in the network.
If set to "Stockpile" in the control panel, an oxygen tank will store oxygen that gets provided to it through the conveyor network,
but will not deliver it back into the network when requested by other blocks. (for example by an air vent).
If a room should be depressurized by an air vent, there must be oxygen tanks present in the conveyor network
that have still enough free storage space to hold the pumped down oxygen in compressed state.
If no free space in connected oxygen tanks is available in the network, an air vent will not be able to depressurize the room.