User talk:SmileOne
From Space Engineers Wiki
[1]Template ItemBox
Where you can find the datas for the parts in SE.
Rawmaterial (Ore):
- - item = MyText.resx transsript the DisplayName_Item_... to the value (example: DisplayName_Item_IronOre that is "Iron Ore" it should be the page name.
- - translation = MyText..resx transsript the DisplayName_Item_... to the value (example: DisplayName_Item_IronOre that is in "Eisenerz"
- - rmass = PhysicalItems.sbc if TypeId = Ore, then Mass
- - rvolume = PhysicalItems.sbc if TypeId = Ore, then Volume
- - rmaterialefficiency = Blueprints.sbc if SubtypeId = ...OreToIngot, then Prerequisites/Item/Amount is 1 and Result/Amount is 0.7, then are 70% (percent converted to ingots) not rate from 0.7
- - refinetime = Blueprints.sbc if SubtypeId = ...OreToIngot, then BaseProductionTimeInSeconds
- - item = MyText.resx transsript the DisplayName_Item_... to the value (example: DisplayName_Item_IronIngot that is "Iron Ingot" it should be the page name.
- - translation = MyText..resx transsript the DisplayName_Item_... to the value (example: DisplayName_Item_IronIngot that is in "Eisenbarren"
- - mmass = PhysicalItems.sbc if TypeId = Ingot, then Mass
- - mvolume = PhysicalItems.sbc if TypeId = Ingot, then Volume
- - mmaterialefficiency = Blueprints.sbc if SubtypeId = ...OreToIngot, then Prerequisites/Item/Amount is 1 and Result/Amount is 0.7, then are 70% (percent converted to ingots) not rate from 0.7
- - mrefinespeed = Blueprints.sbc if SubtypeId = ...OreToIngot, then BaseProductionTimeInSeconds
- - refinefrom = Blueprints.sbc if SubtypeId = ...OreToIngot, then Prerequisites/Item/SubtypeId is the ore, that ist the item refine from. (example: Iron is Iron Ore) to refer to the ore.
- - item = MyText.resx transsript the DisplayName_Item_... to the value (example: DisplayName_Item_Welder that is "Welder" it should be the page name, handtools add (Tool).
- - translation = MyText..resx transsript the DisplayName_Item_... to the value (example: DisplayName_Item_Welder that is in "Schweißgerät"
- - tmass = PhysicalItems.sbc at DisplayName_Item_... the mass by tools
- - tvolume = PhysicalItems.sbc at DisplayName_Item_... the volume by tools
- - cbuildtime = Blueprints.sbc if DisplayName then BaseProductionTimeInSeconds
- - ccomponent1 = Blueprints.sbc if DisplayName = DisplayName_Item_..., then Prerequisites/Item/SubtypeId + ../Item/TypeId from the first Item (example: SubtypId = Iron, TypeId = Ingot, is "Iron Ingot" the material item.)
- - ccomponent1amt = Blueprints.sbc if DisplayName = DisplayName_Item_..., then Prerequisites/Item/Amount from the first Item
- - ccomponent2 = Blueprints.sbc if DisplayName = DisplayName_Item_..., then Prerequisites/Item/SubtypeId + ../Item/TypeId from the second Item (example: SubtypId = Iron, TypeId = Ingot, is "Iron Ingot" the material item.)
- - ccomponent2amt = Blueprints.sbc if DisplayName = DisplayName_Item_..., then Prerequisites/Item/Amount from the second Item
- (all Items have a own number, counted from the top)
- - item = MyText.resx transsript the DisplayName_Item_... to the value (example: DisplayName_Item_BulletproofGlass that is "Bulletproof Glass" it should be the page name.
- - translation = MyText..resx transsript the DisplayName_Item_... to the value (example: DisplayName_Item_BulletproofGlass that is in "Bulletproof Glass"
- - icon = Blueprints.sbc if DisplayName = DisplayName_Item_..., then Icon there is the path for the file, the file must as item + _icon.png uploaded. (example: Bulletproof_Glass_Icon.png )
- - cbuildtime = Blueprints.sbc if DisplayName = DisplayName_Item_..., then BaseProductionTimeInSeconds the buildtime in sec.
- - ccomponent1 = Blueprints.sbc if DisplayName = DisplayName_Item_..., then Prerequisites/Item/SubtypeId from the first Item (example: SubtypeId = Silicon, is "Silicon Wafer Ingot" the material item.)
- - ccomponent1amt = Blueprints.sbc if DisplayName = DisplayName_Item_..., then Prerequisites/Item/Amount from the first Item
- - ccomponent2 = Blueprints.sbc if DisplayName = DisplayName_Item_..., then Prerequisites/Item/SubtypeId from the second Item (example: SubtypeId = Iron, is "Iron Ingot" the material item.)
- - ccomponent2amt = Blueprints.sbc if DisplayName = DisplayName_Item_..., then Prerequisites/Item/Amount from the second Item
- (all Items have a own number, counted from the top)