Update 1.185.4

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Beta Improvements

Minor Button.png 14 December 2017 Forum Post


Hello, Engineers! Today's update brings you more improvements for our last major update. We have also improved jetpack behavior while flying on a moving ship for dedicated servers.

And if you are thinking about joining our Physics & Engineering Contest, now is your chance! Check the details at Marek's blog post: http://blog.marekrosa.org/2017/11/space-engineers-physics-engineering.html Because we are already in the process of switching to a new skybox, you can use it as well before it is officially released: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1208808693


  • Improved jetpack behavior while flying on moving ship on DS


  • Fixed various random crashes
  • Fixed crash during inviting through Steam interface
  • Fixed loading crash when backup folder is present but empty
  • Fixed re-enabling fullscreen using Alt+Tab
  • Fixed issue being unable to use Enter key in the textfields (LCDs, programmable blocks etc.) after using Alt+Tab
  • Signals are no longer hidden after cycling through them and re-enabling HUD
  • Fixed various issues with Chinese input

Hotfixes 1.185.401

  • Fixed game crashing due to MFAA and FXAA options enabled outside of the game