Faction:The Imperium

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The Imperium
Chologism - Psilocine - D34thSk0ul
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We are The Imperium.

We are a neutral clan which is currently open for recruits. We are planning on giving recruits different roles, but also give them the freedom to switch between what ever they want to do at given times. Our goal is become the greatest and most fortunate space engineers faction. Through A LOT of hours of playtime that the staff has, we have been figuring out the fastest way to go from scrap to our goal: A large main space station with motherships that can possibly contain around 200 people to fully operate. (if space engineers makes it possible) We go 50%/50% on the matter of "Army or Resource gathering" That means that we want both a decent army to scavenge for resources and to defend our imperium, but also want a complex mining facility.
