Faction:New Coalition Forces
The New Coalition Forces was set up to defend Space Engineers faction New Coalition of Friendly States and Corporations.
The NCFSC was established after the CFSC left the TSU breaking the treaty the two had. Initially, the faction wasn't as powerful as many factions. The NCFSC came to power after the NCF-CSA war when new technology was invented to defend against the CSA. The second rise to power was the NCF-ISMC wars, when the NCF joined the CSA and ISB against the ISMC. The NCF, CSA, ISB, and Providence factions came together in a military alliance to defeat the ISMC. The Kelder Accords and ISMC ceased hostilities against each other. Later, the NCF and ISMC signed a peace treaty. About a month after the Cease Fire was signed, the NCF-TTA War began. The ISB moved to defend the TTA and even going so far as to invite them to the Accords. This caused a HUGE internal conflict between the major powers of the Accords. Providences collapse led to the NCF, CSA, and ISB were the only remaining factions still in operation. Due to the conflict of the NCF-TTA War, there began a standoff with the NCF and CSA against the ISB.
The NCF-ISB war begins and the NCF quickly invades ISB servers. Later, the NCF and CSA would start coordinating against the ISB. This war is going on to this day.