Faction:The RobsTekk

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The RobsTekk
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'Voth kopraan do dwiin, ahrk mul do hot, un girvoh rovit zok vahkaas gekenlokin ahrk alun meyzah nau piit. ' ~Common RobsTekk Phrase before mission departure.

The RobsTekk were founded in the early 2060's, following the teachings of the honorary Simon Vardiin, more commonly known as the 'Zooruv Fil Paagoliik' which translates to the Legendary Start Walker.

His journey began far earlier, in the 2040's which is where the deepest origins of the RobsTekk begin, but for the purposes of this passage we will focus on the Founding point and onwards. The Zooruv left enscribed logs in his data module, which was recovered in 2061 by a Fleet commandant of the AAC. After studying these logs he wrote his resignation from the faction, and left to go find a group of his past colleagues who had since become mercenaries in the Sezamma sector. Along with the Fleet Commandant, the 5 made a new forged alliance under a pact that became known as the Sezamma Indigo Pact, which with the mercenaries links throughout the sector, allowed them to purchase a plot of what was previously public space. space Port Arizona was where they took up residence, amongst the industrial district although the port itself remained public.

From the port, DiscordedMuffins studied the data log and co-ordinated his team successfully to recover 3 encrypted data logs, known as the StarShards. Each one of these contained a small portion of a 13-part code that the Zooruv had lebelled as the Galactic Key, which would allow intergalactic travel to an almost infinite distance, far outweighing the efficiency of the as of that point, newly introduced Jump Drives. By this point the RobsTekk had gained a small influence and was standing at almost 48 statuary members to which it scavenged location after location trying to find more Shards of the code.

By the year 2069, 8 shards had been recovered, and Discorded himself was on the party to recover the 9th shard, and got more than he bargained for when his team stumbled upon 3 Shards that had been collated by a seperate faction. This is when the first RobsTekk rivalry war took place, and was the first time that Military grade Warships had to be constructed in the controlled industrial sector of SpacePort Arizona.

The war concluded with Discorded escaping with the 3 shards, held in a highly protective case nicknamed 'The Marker' by the opposing faction. Out of the 12 RobsTekk members that had departed to recover this shard, only 3 returned, 2 escaping through a Blind Warp Jump assuming their Leader for dead after witnessing the RobsTekk Flagship 'JUSTICATOR' fall apart. Discorded, unable to make long distance travel in his small damaged Frigate, crash landed on a drifting asteroid, and here set up Star-Base 101 by himself which eventually, after months alone in space, became the birthplace of the STRIDER class Fighter, and the LOTUS class Starship. The Marker was stored onto the Lotus, and after fending off nearby automated patrols and Pirate raids for another 3 months, he could finally stow the Strider upon the Lotus, and escape via Jump-Drive, following co-ordinated within one of the 3 Data Shards he had with him to locate a Galactic WebWay which allowed him, at the cost of stretched time, to travel through an impossibly small Warp bridge back to the Arizona. The time-gap resulted in him having skipped the equivalent of 7 years, and thus he was younger than his fellow members, who almost didn't recognize him after missing him for so long.

The RobsTekk, in 2077 with 12 of the 13 shards, are currently imposing into Betaform space where they suspect the final shard lays waiting for them to recover. However this campaign may be a tenuous one as the exact location of the final shard is very much unknown, all that is known is that it rests on one of 3 planets in a star system.


Galactic Commanding Officer~ DiscordedMuffins

Head of Engineering~ Darkseeker99

Head of Exploration~ BlueMuffins40

Tactical MasterMind~ Arcanuke