Components and Tools

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Components and Tools Overview

The following blocks and tools are available in the current Alpha build of Space Engineers.

Block Icon Status Category Small Ship Large Ship Station Mass [1] (Small/Large/Station) Description
Antenna File:Antenna-icon.jpg Not Functional Functional Component
12 Kg / 4761 Kg
/ -
No Information
Assembler File:Assembler-icon.jpg Not Functional Self-Contained Facility
- / 20 Kg / -
Turns harvested ore into items[2]
Automatic Rifle File:Automatic-rifle-icon.jpg Not Available Defense
- / - / -
No Information
Cargo Container, Large File:Large-cargo-container-icon.jpg Not Functional Storage
363 Kg / 4729 Kg / -
No Information
Cargo Container, Medium File:Medium-cargo-container-icon.jpg Not Functional Storage
172 Kg / - / -
No Information
Cargo Container, Small File:Small-cargo-container-icon.jpg Not Functional Storage
38 Kg / 832 Kg / -
No Information
Cockpit File:Cockpit-icon.jpg Functional Ship Component
20 Kg / 484 Kg / -
No Information
Conveyor Belt File:Conveyor-icon.jpg Not Functional Functional Component
76 Kg / 1685 Kg / -
No Information
Door File:Door-icon.jpg Not Functional Structural
- / 652 Kg / -
No Information
Drill File:Drill-icon.jpg Not Available Tools
848 Kg / - / -
No Information
Explosive Cube File:Explosive-cube-icon.jpg Not Functional Defense
- / 20 Kg / -
No Information
Gatling Gun File:Gatling-gun-icon.jpg Not Functional Defense
112 Kg / - / -
No Information
Gatling Turret File:Gatling-turret-icon.jpg Not Functional Defense
- / 787 Kg / -
No Information
Gravity Generator File:Gravity-generator-icon.jpg Functional Functional Component
- / 8460 Kg / -
No Information
Grinder File:Grinder-icon.jpg Not Available Tools
- / - / -
No Information
Gyroscope File:Gyroscope-icon.jpg Functional Functional Component
589 Kg / 18445 Kg / -
Provides rotation stabilization for ships and stations(?)
Hand Drill File:Hand-drill-icon.jpg Not Available Tools
- / - / -
No Information
Interior Light File:Interior-light-icon.jpg Functional Structural
- / 0 Kg / -
Provides a light source.
Interior Pillar File:Interior-pillar-icon.jpg Functional Structural
- / 300 Kg / -
No Information
Interior Turret File:Interior-turret-icon.jpg Not Functional Defense
- / 358 Kg / -
No Information
Interior Wall File:Interior-wall-icon.jpg Functional Structural
- / 1000 Kg / -
No Information
Ladder File:Ladder-icon.jpg Functional Structural
- / 1200 Kg / -
A ladder.
Landing Gear File:Landing-gear-icon.jpg Not Functional Ship Component
65 Kg / 2252 Kg / -
Add to the bottom of ships to prevent damage while landing. Currently acts as a decorative/armor block. There is speculation that this will be fixed in future versions and be magnetized so that ships may dock in stations or within larger ships.[3]
Light Armor Block File:Light-armor-block-icon.jpg Functional Structural
200 Kg / 500 Kg / -
Armor blocks can be customized with different colours. In creative mode, select the armor block and use the left or right bracket keys [ ] to change colour.
Light Armor Corner File:Light-armor-corner-icon.jpg Functional Structural
33 Kg / 13 Kg / -
Armor blocks can be customized with different colours. In creative mode, select the armor block and use the left or right bracket keys [ ] to change colour.
Light Armor Inverted Corner File:Light-armor-inv-corner-icon.jpg Functional Structural
166 Kg / 349 Kg / -
Armor blocks can be customized with different colours. In creative mode, select the armor block and use the left or right bracket keys [ ] to change colour.
Light Armor Slope File:Light-armor-slope-icon.jpg Functional Structural
100 Kg / 130 Kg / -
Armor blocks can be customized with different colours. In creative mode, select the armor block and use the left or right bracket keys [ ] to change colour.
Medical Room File:Medical-room-icon.jpg Not Functional Self-Contained Facility
- / 6055 Kg / -
Used for " re-spawn and regeneration" [4]
Missile Turret File:Missle-turret-icon.jpg Not Functional Defense
- / 1064 Kg / -
No Information
Ore Detector File:Ore-detector-icon.jpg Not Functional Functional Component
20 Kg / 20 Kg / -
No Information
Ramp File:Ramp-icon.jpg Functional Structural
- / 900 Kg / -
No Information
Refinery File:Refinery-icon.jpg Not Functional Self-Contained Facility
- / 24968 Kg / -
Used to process harvested ore to ingots.
Reflector Light File:Reflector-lightt-icon.jpg Functional Structural
38 Kg / 700 Kg / -
No Information
Rocket Launcher File:Rocket-launcher-icon.jpg Not Functional Defense
208 Kg / - / -
No Information
Reactor, Large File:Large-reactor-icon.jpg Functional Energy Source
20 Kg / 72055 Kg / -
Energy source (requires fuel).
Reactor, Small File:Small-reactor-icon.jpg Functional Energy Source
118 Kg / 4721 Kg / -
Energy source (requires fuel).
Thrust, Large File:Large-thrust-icon.jpg Functional Ship Component
721 Kg / 43212 Kg / -
No Information
Thrust, Small File:Small-thrust-icon.jpg Functional Ship Component
93 Kg / 3384 Kg / -
No Information
Stairs File:Stairs-icon.jpg Functional Structural
- / 1100 Kg / -
No Information
Steel Catwalk File:Steel-catwalk-icon.jpg Functional Structural
- / 270 Kg / -
No Information
Wall, Full Cover File:Full-cover-wall-icon.jpg Functional Structural
- / 160 Kg / -
No Information
Wall, Half-Cover File:Half-cover-wall-icon.jpg Functional Structural
- / 88 Kg / -
No Information
Window, Diagonal File:Diagonal-window-icon.jpg Functional Structural
- / 279 Kg / -
No Information
Window, Vertical File:Vertical-window-icon.jpg Functional Structural
- / 200 Kg / -
No Information
Welder File:Welder-icon.jpg Not Available Tools
- / - / -
Your main tool used for assembling blocks and repairing. Damaged layers can be repaired by replacing components in those layers (e.g. if a turret is damaged and its integrity decreases to 80%, you most likely have to only replace the first few layers of steel plate).[5]


Thrusters for both small and large ships require reactor energy and apply two different kinds of thrust. A thruster applies its maximum thrust while stabilizing and only 2/3 of the maximum thrust when the pilot uses W, A, S, D, or any other means of maneuvering. This means a ship will stabilize faster if the pilot does not activate any maneuvering controls.

Small Ships

Small Ship Thruster Characteristics[6]
Force (N) Power (GW) Mass (Kg)
Small Thruster Max 18,165 2.52 93
Maneuvering 12,110 1.68
Large Thruster Max 218,250 30 721
Maneuvering 145,500 20

Large Ships

Large Ship Thruster Characteristics[6]
Force (N) Power (GW) Mass (Kg)
Small Thruster Max 150,660 42 3384
Maneuvering 100,440 28
Large Thruster Max 1,815,000 504 43212
Maneuvering 1,210,000 336


Ship reactors output different amounts of power depending on reactor and ship size. Thrusters, gyroscopes and gravity generators are currently the only components which require reactor power to operate.

Reactor Power Output[6]
Power (GW)
Small Ship Small Reactor 4
Large Reactor 108
Large Ship Small Reactor 56
Large Reactor 1512

Tips for Planning Ship Thruster-Reactor Systems

In order to avoid overusing your ship's reactors, use enough reactors to supply all of your ship's thruster's maximum power consumption.

Take the number of small and large thrusters and multiply them by their respective maximum power (GW). This is the minimum amount of power your ship's reactors need to supply.
For example, if there is a large ship with 4 large thrusters and 6 small thrusters, the maximum required power would be (4*504) + (6*42) = 2268 GW. This ship would therefore require 2 large reactors (2*1512 = 3024 GW) in order to ideally operate.


  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Measured in-game
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