Programming Guide/zh

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在太空工程师游戏内编程是通过可编程块完成的,可以使用C#(念做 C Sharp)语言来编写脚本。 它可用于制造自主式采矿无人机,远距离玩家捕杀鱼雷,船舶建造用自动焊接臂等等。



同一时间只有一个玩家可以编辑同一个脚本。 如果已经有一个人在当前块打开编辑器,而此时其他人试图打开该块的编辑器时,会显示一条通知,表示编辑器已经打开。

Main 方法

当编辑器第一次打开时,代码编辑器中会出现void Main() 方法。 这是执行脚本时程序调用的入口方法。 如果删除/重命名Main方法,脚本将不会运行,您将在可编程块详细信息区域中收到通知。 可以定义和使用自定义方法/变量,但只调用Main方法而不引用。


脚本中有两种类型的变量: 局部变量(定义在方法内部) - 这些变量仅在方法被执行期间保持其值。方法结束时,变量值将“丢失”。 全局变量(定义在方法外部) - 这些变量将在整个脚本的生命周期内保持其值。 例如:如果变量需要在程序运行时保持值,则需要在方法之外定义它。 按“保存并退出”或“保存”按钮后,之前的脚本将被覆盖,之前所有的全局变量都将丢失。 除了内置的保留变量之外的所有变量(局部和全局变量)将在重新编译代码时以及在已保存的游戏加载之间丢失其值或返回其默认值。 保留变量的独特之处在于它可以将在保存中和重新编译时的数据存储为字符串。


按下“检查代码”按钮时,将编译代码并显示编译结果。 编译过程分为两步: 首先,编辑器内部的代码由c#编译器编译,检查语言错误。 如果在编译期间出现任何错误,则显示以下对话框: It this case “aaa” string is placed before Main method. This is the wrong language construction and the compilation failed. (大意为:“aaa”字符串不能放在了Main方法之前。 编译失败。) 在错误对话框中,将显示错误行号和错误描述。

编译后,将检查代码是否使用不允许的命名空间和类型。 如果检查失败, 显示以下对话框: In this case System.IO.Directory was used to delete some directory. This is forbidden and error is shown that “Not allowed type was used in script”. (大意为:禁止使用System.IO.Directory删除某个目录。 错误“脚本中使用了不允许的类型”。)



按下“运行”按钮或将“运行”指定为终端操作时,将执行脚本。 目前需要手动调用“运行”,例如 用户需要单击“运行”按钮或将其作为终端操作附加。 脚本仅在服务器上执行,即使它是从客户端触发的。 如果在脚本执行期间出现任何异常,将在可编程块详细信息区域中通知所有客户端有关失败的信息。 如果在脚本执行期间发生异常,除非用户打开编辑器并更改脚本,否则脚本将不会再次运行。 计时器还可以通过运行操作(可能会提示您输入参数)继续运行脚本,然后启动/触发自身或通过脚本代码启动/触发(如果脚本崩溃,计时器将停止)。


每次执行脚本时,都会计算脚本的每条指令。 如果脚本执行的指令多于限制,则停止执行并通知用户脚本太复杂而无法执行。 这可以防止脚本“冻结”游戏。


脚本中允许的类型和类受到限制。 请参阅脚本白名单以查看允许使用的内容。


Possible Actions

Currently only terminal actions can be triggered inside scripts. User can access terminal system for grid on which programmable block is located and trigger any terminal action on any block at grid.

Block Classes (Action List)

Same block class for different SubTypeID

Some blocks have same parent (e.g. <TypeId> in cubeblocks.sbc) and differs only by subtype (e.g. <SubtypeId>). This means there is no distinction between these block in code.
Example of these blocks is the Cargo Container: there are 3 types of cargo containers in the game: small, medium and large. These three types differ only by subtype and Type is same for them e.g. large cargo container id is:
Medium is:
And small is:

In this case there is only one class IMyCargoContainer for all types of cargo containers.

Example programs

Hello world

The standard Hello World program in Space Engineers can be written as such:

public void Main()
   Echo ("Hello, world!");

If this program is entered into a programmable block and run, it will result in "Hello, world!" being displayed in the programmable block's interface on the lower right hand side of the screen.

Getting your position

This program will show the current GPS coordinates of your programming block's position in the world.

public void Main()
    var pos = Me.GetPosition();
    Echo (pos.ToString());

Checking a sensor

It's easy to get a sensor to open a door or trigger some other action even without any programming if you just place that action in the sensor's "Setup actions" list. However, triggering an action when a sensor does not detect something is more difficult, and cannot be done with timer blocks. This program will automatically check a sensor every 10 ticks (working out to about 6 times per second) and close a door if the sensor does not detect anything. This can easily be applied to other purposes, like turning off drills when asteroids are not in sensor range.

List<MyDetectedEntityInfo> entity_list = new List<MyDetectedEntityInfo>(); 
public Program()
    Runtime.UpdateFrequency = UpdateFrequency.Update10;
    //This makes the program automatically run every 10 ticks.
public void Main()
    var door_sensor = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName("Door Sensor 1") as IMySensorBlock;
    door_sensor.DetectedEntities (entity_list);
    if (entity_list.Count == 0)
        var door = GridTerminalSystem.GetBlockWithName("Door 1") as IMyDoor;
        door.ApplyAction ("Open_Off");

For this script to work, the sensor must be named "Door Sensor 1" and the door must be named "Door 1". If you configure the sensor to open the door, the door will automatically open when the player enters the sensor range and close when the player leaves the sensor range.

Compilation errors

This is a list (in progress) of known compilation errors and what causes them.

  • Method name expected: The compiler found parentheses when it wasn't expecting them. You could be missing a method name before the parentheses, or you might be inappropriately using parentheses instead of square or curly brackets, depending on what you're trying to do.

See also

  • MyGridTerminalSystem - Methods for getting object references to your various ship components.
  • Programming Guide/Action List - Actions you can apply to objects via the Object.ApplyAction method. Also includes some of the object properties. Data appears incomplete as of March 19th, 2018.

External links