Update 01.086

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11 June 2015

A new scenario has been added to the game: Space Race! This is the first multiplayer mission that we have added so far, so more features and options will be added later on. We’ve also implemented a new scenario editor where you can set the lose/win conditions and set up your own scenario (single and multiplayer). Currently, the only type of game scenario that you can create is a race - but more features and options will be added in future updates, so more types of missions and gamemodes will become possible. All created missions will be automatically loaded as survival ones. Additionally, we added the option to disable spawning in a respawn ship for your maps and also the option to disable the light eye adaptation when running a DX11 game (under graphics settings).



  • fixed Space Engineers not working on primary monitor on DX11
  • fixed sounds cracking
  • fixed weird shadows in MSAA
  • fixed helmet lights not working on MSAA
  • fixed weird shadows on DX 11

Community updates

  • more github community updates will be added next week

Update 01.086.010 (05/12/2015)

  • fixed crash when copy pasting
  • fixed modded materials for voxels not rendering in DX 11
  • fixed scenario publishing to workshop