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The official EAC flag and emblem, a version of which can be seen painted on it's ships Example.

East Andromeda Company

Leaders McQueen
Mainpage [Steam usergroup]
Main occupation Commerce
Based on Commerce

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Faction Trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ev7I8bOuG5c

The East Andromeda Company (EAC), originally chartered by the Governor of a Company of Merchants (Chancellor McQueen). The Space Engineers Faction is more properly called 'The Honourable East Andromeda Trading Company', it was a New British joint-stock company formed for pursuing trade with the East of the galaxy of Andromeda but which ended up trading with the whole of the known universe. It's major Space Ports include the North-West Frontier, Glasgow and its capital New Callcutta.

The Honerable East Andromeda Company is also the senior member of the Commonwealth, and the Federation of Independant Traders as its Dominion and fellow member of the Commonwealth.


Chancellor: McQueen Commissioner: lvl8hunter Lord of the Admiralty: Odzor Chief Royal Engineer: Blood Ninja Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs: Edwards Viceroy to the FIT: Guy2008

-Merchant Navy- Austero NathanKeel 17Shadow BeagleBagle^

-Builders- Solifeaul

-Seaman (Navy) Zingar Riverside

-Colonial Guards Nellynog

-Ambassadors- Ambassador to the Dominion of the Federation of Independant Traders: TheCoockie

Ambassador to the Dominion PMC: Drakkenstein

Ambassador to Space Engineers FRANCE Crusty Larry

Ambassador to the LSG Empire: EtherealHawk

Ambassador to the Universal Trade Alliance: Herpaids

Ambassador to the United Galactic Fleet: Z3RO

Ambassador to the Space Engineers Elite beastkiller18


Join the EAC today: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/eastandromedatradecompany

Available positions (Promotions within positions available):

- Merchant Navy Expected to be able to move large amounts of cargo from position A to position B and be fully capeable of defending them selves against pirate attacks. Full EAC training is provided.

- Builders Expected to be a ble to help create and repair cargo crafts, stations and smaller porter craft. Also you may be sumoned to accompany Merchants *listed above* and help to repair ships whilst under fire. Full EAC training is provided

- Seamen (Navy) Expected to be able to engage in anti-pirate measures in order to help protect the Merchant navy.

- Ambassadors Positions include Ambassador to colonies, other factions, dominions, protectorates allies and enemies. Mic is neccessary for this role and must participents must be men of stature.

- Administrators Must be put through interview, this role is crucial to maintaining order. This role can lead to further promotions to higher ranks such as Viceroy, Chancellor of the eschequor ect.

- Colonial guards Expected to be capeable fighters, after extensive training you will be sent to other Members of the commonweath to help protect them against aggressors, protect our embassaries and occasionally be sent on special missions.