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Detalhes do Desenvolvimento

Retirado do Website Oficial:

Space Engineers é um jogo sandbox sobre engenharia, construção e manutenção de criações no espaço. Os jogadores podem construir espaçonaves e estações espaciais de vários tamanhos e tipos (civis e militares), pilotar naves e minerar asteroides. O Space Engineers utiliza um motor realístico de cálculos de física baseados em volumetria: todos os objetos podem ser montados, desmontados, danificados e destruídos.

Data de lançamento: 23/10/2013 [1] através do Acesso Antecipado no Steam.


Houveram pequenos debates sobre o sistema de distribuição de acesso antecipado para o Space Engineers. Marek Rosa explica o porquê escolheram o Steam:

Nós, os desenvolvedores, gostamos do Steam principalmente por causa da sua plataforma de distribuição:
  • simplifica a instalação e o processo de atualização. Muito. Executa um script que baia e instala o jogo em poucos minutos. Não há trabalho manual.
  • a banda de transmissão da internet é excelente (download e upload) e nós não pagamos por isso
  • API multiplayer (matchmaking, Ajuste P2P...)
  • Guias do Steam
  • Steam Workshop
Todos estes benefícios salvam nosso tempo de desenvolvimento, e assim nós podemos gastá-lo em outras coisas importantes: funcionalidades novas e mais elegantes para o jogo. [2]


Space Engineers é baseado em um motor proprietário desenvolvido in-house pela Keen Software. O motor gráfico é conhecido como VRage 2.0. VRAGE 2.0 foi construído em cima de seu sucessor utilizado em Miner Wars 2081.

The engine focuses on volumetric objects and structures which are composed from cube-like modules and fitted together on a grid (similar in some aspects to Minecraft). However, there appears to be a more sophisticated take on objects and how they act when force or inertia is exerted on them. Terrain is voxel-based and fully destructible and deformable. First person and 3rd person cameras are supported.


Information about artificial gravity can be found here.


Information about computer performance can be found here. Although it's to be expected, there are some limitations on the amount of objects in a game environment versus computational hardware requirements. Alpha build specifics that impact computer performance are outlined as the following:

  • Armor blocks are cheap on performance. Other block types are a bit more expensive, especially blocks that have some sort of functionality and require electricity. In other words, a simple mother ship made of armor only is better for performance than the same mother ship with hundreds of reactors, thrusters, doors and other objects.
  • Interior lights are better than reflector lights (they don’t cast shadows).
  • Reflector lights are expensive on performance and should be used moderately.
  • Blocks that are “under development” (they look like scaffolding) – are less performance friendly than fully constructed blocks (they have more polygons and the game can’t do visibility optimizations).
  • Crashes, penetrations and deformations – the performance will depend on the type of objects colliding. Armors do well but other blocks are more expensive. The shape of the object and its interior impacts performance as well (e.g. a group of small ships parked inside a mother ship that crashed to an asteroid will require some heavy computations).
  • Think about it this way: when two objects collide, they usually collide at multiple collision points. More collision points mean more computations.
  • Don’t build mother ships and stations using small blocks. That would be inefficient. Use small blocks for small ships, and large blocks for mother ships and space stations.
  • A static, immovable grid requires a lot less computation that a dynamic space ship grid.

Other Information




  1. http://www.spaceengineersgame.com/buy.html
  2. http://forums.keenswh.com/post/show_single_post?pid=1279665219&postcount=20