Faction:The Space Legion

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The Space Legion
The Council of Five
Faction Type:
Military and engineering
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The Space Legion is founded upon the principles of honor, strength, and integrity. We are always looking for new members who are interested in power, wealth, and glory. Our engineers are experimenting with new armor and weapon technologies to further improve our military capabilities. Promotions are rewarded to those who work hard and take initiatve. All applicants will be accepted once they contact our ambassador Malta307 at the email address joshwhalen1@gmail.com about The Space Legion. The Space Legion is ruled by a council consisting of up to the five most dedicated individuals in the Legion.


Malta307- Founder and Council Member- Master Fleet Engineer

Orcinius Orca- Council Member- Chief Station Manager

cyberburn2x2- Council Member

Ships In Service

TSL Harbinger


The Space Legion was born during the Martian war of independence, it was formed after the second battle of New Madrid in response to the formation of the Mars Republic's elite corps. The Legion served in every major battle for the rest of the war, earning more than 100 confirmed kills against the Earth 2nd, 7th, and 13th fleets.The Republic exiled the Legion when the war was over because the Legion was erratic and unpredictable at best. For years the Space Legion wandered the stars